Free PDF Applique Delights: 100 Irresistible Blocks from Piece O' Cake Designs, by Becky Goldsmith
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Applique Delights: 100 Irresistible Blocks from Piece O' Cake Designs, by Becky Goldsmith
Free PDF Applique Delights: 100 Irresistible Blocks from Piece O' Cake Designs, by Becky Goldsmith
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Product details
Paperback: 96 pages
Publisher: C&T Publishing; Illustrated edition edition (May 1, 2004)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1571202293
ISBN-13: 978-1571202291
Product Dimensions:
8.6 x 0.3 x 11.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 14.1 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.7 out of 5 stars
17 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#538,716 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Just so you are aware...there was a printing error with this book (at least the copy I received)...there is a sticker inside that says if you want a 5" block then you need to enlarge your pattern when copying to 118%. Otherwise the blocks finish 4.25". Having said that, I love this applique book! My quilting goal this year was to master needle turn applique, especially those teeny narrow stems, and this was the perfect book to inspire me towards that accomplishment. It is full of helpful tips and picture guides, and the patterns are so lovely, yet simple enough to execute. I have never been inspired to make something as tedious as a Baltimore album quilt, but using small appliqued blocks like the ones offered in this book is the perfect way to add a pretty embellishment to any pieced project, or to build pieced blocks around. I also really appreciated that the most of the book's pictures of the patterns' finished blocks show the quilting details really well and show how quilting can add another layer of character to the blocks. I didn't find the printing error to be a problem...I liked the option of making a smaller block (and have already finished one which came out great, thanks to the tips in the book), or making some slightly larger. One tip I would like to pass on is instead of pinning your vinyl overlay onto your pattern to help you place your applique pieces correctly, use a couple of rolled bits of painter's tape, which makes the overlay easier to lift and work under. An awesome book I will get a LOT of use out of....I've already gotten started on my next four blocks!
What a wonderful sampling of more traditional types of applique! The authors give clear and concise instructions on how to excecute applique techniques. The shapes and instructions are well suited for a beginner, but can be used for advanced quilters as well,...just change the size of the patterns to suit your expertise level.
My wife wanted this book. I was personally surprised that the delivery took so long to reach us. I had ordered something else simultaneously and it arrived within two days of the date of the order. This book was within the projected time frame for delivery, but to me it seemed a long time.
This is a great how-to applique book for the beginner and learning new techniques for the more advanced applique quilter. Clear and easy to follow instructions in color take you thru all the steps, from supplies to sewing and to the finished product. Many wonderful block designs for all levels of applique.
I have used some designs from this book to make blocks for charity quilts. They are very pretty and cheerful. These two ladies are so talented.
great in every way, Sue
I have not used this yet, but there is a nice variety of appliques to choose from.
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