Download How to Write and Sell Children's Picture Books, by Jean Karl
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How to Write and Sell Children's Picture Books, by Jean Karl
Download How to Write and Sell Children's Picture Books, by Jean Karl
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What a joy it is to write for children! You can make giggle and wiggle and imagine. You may even influence how they see the world.
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Product details
Hardcover: 183 pages
Publisher: Writers Digest Books; 1st edition (July 1, 1994)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0898796431
ISBN-13: 978-0898796438
Product Dimensions:
6 x 0.8 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 14.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.2 out of 5 stars
10 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#887,146 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
It was pretty generic and I think other books would be better if you write picture books. I do not feel that I learned much information that I can actually use.
I bought this book because it was a suggestion in another book. Although this has a lot of terrific information, it wasn't exactly what I was looking for in regards to the processes of writing and selling books. Perhaps it is because I have written books and sold them on my own already that I didn't find some of the information especially helpful. It is probably a pretty good book for an absolute beginner except that it is very opinion based. The copyright IS 1994 so the information might be completely accurate for the 1990s. However, I don't believe that getting published is based on knowing certain people or going to certain types of meetings, etc. I know there are a lot of other options out there, but if you are like me and are at the point of just wanting to make sure you have a good outline or your book is designed correctly or whatever is needed to submit then I think the better option would be to just get a book about agents and then find out their requirements.I don't want anyone to think that I am saying you should NOT get this book if you feel you need it. I just think if you already have some experience in the children's picture book market that you might want to find something that is more focused on what you are specifically looking for. If you don't have any experience in the children's market at all, though, then this is probably a good book to get.
This book is well written and easy to follow. It has step by step ideas on being a published writer of children's picture books and more.
I had already written my book so I was more interested in the Sell part of this book. I found it a great place to start. It gave me information that I didn't previously have or had even thought about.
The book was just what I expected. Everything was just what I wanted. I was well pleased. What more can I say?
I found this to be an extremely helpful how-to for beginners written by a talented editor giant in the world of children's book publishing
Unpublished writers who don’t feel they can spend the money for helpful new books like Harold Underdown’s COMPLETE IDIOT'S GUIDE TO PUBLISHING CHILDREN'S BOOKS (now in its third printing) should haunt used books stores and yard sales in search of how-to-write-it books. My current writing project is another picture book. To refresh my mind on what makes a saleable manuscript, I am re-reading books from my own library that have helped me find success in that genre. This one by the late Jean E. Karl, an American book editor who specialized in children's and science fiction titles, has practical information presented in depth.The scope of the book is broad and the information dense. I don’t recommend it as your first book to study. But do include it if you can find a copy after you have read several easier ones. A careful reading of its pages will give you a firm background on picture books with plenty of tried-and-true information, including ten steps to guide you from idea to finished story picture book manuscript. You’ll find advice on plotting, characterization and the importance of thinking through your story before writing the first draft.
This book contains many basic do's and don'ts on how to write children's picture books. It gives good advice on staying within a child's reference point, for example, and on how and when to write poetry instead of prose in a picture book. For more detailed information on how to write picture books, see books such as "Crafting Stories," "Picture Writing," or "An Idiot's Guide to Publishing Children's Books."
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